Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Questions and queries

As we start gathering the trees for the house (We have 50 down so far but we have to wait for it to get colder so the horse doesn't slip in the mud) we have a bunch of options to consider. The one we are pondering right now is Septic system or holding tank. I prefer a septic system but it is more expensive than just a holding tank, but then you have to factor in the pumping out of said holding tank 2 or 3 times a year. Yuck. Plus you have to deal with the gray water. In the land of infinite money (a land my husband and I like to pretend we live in sometimes) we would go with septic. On a positive decision making note, we may have found a place to get our roof. I know, the house isn't even built yet and already I'm thinking of a roof. What can I say, I like to be prepared. Anyway, this company Ideal Roofing, (NAYY) is based in Ottawa, Canada, which is where we are when not at the farm. They even have a cranberry roof. Love it! I think a log house should have a red roof. My husband likes forest green. See? More decisions. But I guess I will go down to the plant and see what is what.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I would totally go composting toilet if I were you! They are great for out in the woods. My friends have one in their cabin!